Most Electrical Contractors belong to:
Associated Builders and Contractors
Subcontractors Association of America
Independent Electrical Contractors Association
All these associations are unions that were formed by employers to promote and benefit their interests. Why can’t you have an organization that works for your benefit and well-being?
Did you know that:
Your contractor signs an agreement for everything he does;
Your contractor signs a contact when they win a bid;
Your contractor signs a contract when they buy electrical supplies; and
Your contractor would not buy any supplies or perform any work without signing a contract.
The only contract they won’t sign is the contract that protects the rights of their workers.
Ask them why?
What are the benefits to joining IBEW?
As union members, we bargain collectively with our employers over wages, benefits, and rights. We offer an excellent wage and benefit package to our members.
Every electrician or telecommunications technician within the IBEW receives this pension. The National Electrical Benefit Fund (NEBF) is a pension plan that is administrated by both The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) and The National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) on a national level. This plan is based on years of service that goes towards your benefit. For every year of service you will receive $32.00. For example if you were a member for thirty years you would receive $960.00 per month at your retirement age.
This is the second of our pension plans that is separate from IBEW Local 226 pension and is paid into through your International Dues payment. A portion of your monthly dues goes towards this pension. For every year of service as an IBEW Local 226 member you will receive $4.50. For example if you were a member for thirty years you would receive $135.00 every month at your retirement. This is the smallest of the retirement plans. This is a benefit of belonging to the IBEW International Union.
Every working person deserves to have a secure, guaranteed income when they choose to retire. You may have a 401(k) retirement plan, that you have to take money out of your paycheck to fund. The difference between an IBEW Local 226 pension, which is a defined benefit plan, and a 401(k), is how much in benefits you receive. A 401(k) is an account balance when it is depleted that is all that you will receive. With an IBEW Local 226 pension plan you have a monthly pension payment until the day you die, and the option of payment until your wife dies.
IBEW Local Union 226 Respects and Protects Our Older Workers
How many electricians over the age of 45 do you see on the non-union jobs? Overall, not many? That’s because non-union construction employers do not provide the fringe benefits that older electricians need.
As an electrician grows older, benefits become more important. The likelihood of major surgery, heart attack, disabling illness, etc., increases. The need to earn decent retirement benefits also becomes more urgent. Because of this, many older electricians leave the non-union construction industry to accept other jobs in order to obtain the benefit coverage they know they need.
As union electricians, we have excellent fringe benefits and, as we grow older, we are covered by minimum employment quotas as well.
In I.B.E.W. Local Union 226, we value our older workers. Their years of experience and their wealth of knowledge in the electrical trade are a valuable resource this union will never disregard.
Limited Rights Without a Union
In today's world, more than ever, workers need to join together. Instead of one lonely person asking for his share of the pie, by joining with others, employees can bargain from a greater position of strength and demand fairer wages, better health benefits, and a retirement plan for the future. In fact, according to the Department of Labor,
union workers typically make up to 64% more than non-union workers in the same occupations!
Because a union creates a more level playing field between employer and employee.
Union representation means that you gain rights. Legal rights that you don't have without a union contract.
Under the employment at will doctrine, the cornerstone of American employment law, in general terms, unless you belong to a protected group,
your employer has the right to discipline or terminate, with impunity, you for any reason -- even a bad one -- or for no reason at all. That's why it is sometimes called the
fire at will doctrine.
However, with a
collective bargaining agreement, you have rights. Management must have
just cause for any disciplinary action taken against a union employee. You bargain over wages, health benefits, working conditions and a retirement plan for your future. But, you bargain collectively with the strength that comes from a collective voice.