


Remember to RE-SIGN the Out-of-Work Book between the 10th-16th (Every Month)!




You can now sign the book in person or by email at

Local 226 members can send an email containing their card number asking to be placed on the book.

 All others wishing to sign must send proof of book status AND setup an account on 226 Union Worx.

 An example of book status would be a labor power report from their home local showing their status.

Inside JW numbers as of Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Book I- 11 (1 available)

Book 2- 25 (3 available)

# of JW's on Short Calls= 0



Happy Friday Brothers and Sisters

Dispatch for Monday, Sept 16 2024...

Journeymen Wiremen


D.L. Smith

1 JW Fire Alarm

Working 4-10's and 1-8 (5-8s schedule) starting at Docking Building in Topeka. $41.20 per hour JW scale. Drug test, two forms of ID and direct deposit all required. Fire Alarm experience preferred. 
D.L. Smith 1 JW  Working 5-8's at Welda Solar Project near Garnett KS. Drug test, two forms of ID and direct deposit all required.
D.L. Smith 1 OPEN CALLS Working 4-10's starting at Jeffrey Energy Center in St Marys KS. Drug test, two forms of ID, background check and direct deposit all required.
D.L. Smith 1 OPEN CALLS Working 4-10's starting at Lawrence Energy Center. Drug test, two forms of ID, background check, and direct deposit all required.
McElroy Electric 2 OPEN CALLS Working 5-8's at Nemaha Community Hospital in Seneca. Drug test, two forms of ID, and direct deposit all required.
McElroy Electric 2 OPEN CALLS Working 5-8's at various locations in Service. Drug test, two forms of ID, direct deposit, valid drivers license, and block license or equivalent all required.
F.E. Moran 6 OPEN CALLS Working 5-10's at Kansas Army Ammo Plant in Parsons. Two forms of ID, direct deposit, OSHA 10, and background check all required
P1 Construction 8 OPEN CALLS

Working 4-10's and 2-8 (5-8's schedule) starting at KU Football in Lawrence. $41.20 per hour. All Overtime is paid at Doubletime. Drug test, two forms of ID, and direct deposit all required. Code of Excellence certification required. 

P1 Construction 1 OPEN CALLS Working 5-8's with possible overtime starting at the Fab Shop in Lawrence. Drug test, two forms of ID, background check, and direct deposit all required.


Instrument and Control Systems Technicians

  None at this time.  


*This information may change during normal business hours as calls come in.  Please check after 5pm for the most accurate information.